Handlebar Bell
When riding my scooter, there have been countless times that I've come up behind pedestrians on a bike trail or path that, are casually taking up the entire width of the path. Absolutely understandable. Some are just oblivious to the bikes and skates and scooters and skateboards that share the same path. They're simply not paying attention. Those who lack this situational awareness can be gently coaxed out of their oblivion by a simple handlebar bell. A couple ting-tings as you approach from behind is usually all it takes to let them know that you're behind them and would like to pass. Sometimes a friendly "on your left" can help too. Most people acknowledge your "request", step to the right and let you on your way. I'll usually pass and say "thanks" in hopes that they'll be encouraged to move aside again the next time they hear a ting-ting. Rarely do I encounter someone who is uncooperative, but it does happen. Check out the various wa...